Saturday, August 26, 2006
A select crowd at this year’s Summer Sundae was treated to an intimate performance by zany ensemble Misterlee. Working assorted bits of percussion Lee himself barely stirred from his case, sat in the centre of the stage. Bandmates J P Smith (guitar) and Michael Curtis Oxtoby (violin and bass guitar) remained close by while making their contributions. The whole thing had a very cosy feel enhanced by a small centre stage lamp. Atop an amp. So the darkness would not hamp-er Lee’s playing.
Maybe seeing three men gathered round an antique lamp reminded audience members of some elderly relative’s living room. They certainly acted accordingly, standing up straight on the floor while others sat quietly in the upper balcony. Or perhaps they were just hung over from the night before. But more likely than not, everyone watching was frozen in awe in front of this display of bluesy strings, creeping into frantic electrical violin, which escalated to meet a fracas between drum machine drum and effects box! Vocals ranging between guttural murmers and SCREAMS! WHICH ONLY seconds later, would bring them back down… safe. A melodic melee.
Maybe seeing three men gathered round an antique lamp reminded audience members of some elderly relative’s living room. They certainly acted accordingly, standing up straight on the floor while others sat quietly in the upper balcony. Or perhaps they were just hung over from the night before. But more likely than not, everyone watching was frozen in awe in front of this display of bluesy strings, creeping into frantic electrical violin, which escalated to meet a fracas between drum machine drum and effects box! Vocals ranging between guttural murmers and SCREAMS! WHICH ONLY seconds later, would bring them back down… safe. A melodic melee.