Thursday, August 24, 2006
Terrible Two?

Children are not meant for public places. Today the amount of irritation caused by one child was enough to have it and its mother, both of whom shall remain nameless, barred from service in a reputable establishment which shall likewise remain nameless. The child in question was a toddler; male, energetic, and easily bored. The mother was meeting with a friend. The establishment was putting on a popular curry night and not quite busy yet. Service was slow enough that there were a number of empty chairs that soon became employed as general run around area for the toddler.
Picture the scene: sectioned-off carpeted wing of the establishment designated as a 'family area'. A smattering of families, five at the most. There are no toys on the tables or goggle-eyed animals on the wallpaper. The only thing that would give the space away as a family area is the fact that there are tables to seat more than two. 'Buddy', our toddler, was finding it hard to stay put; his mother was talking to her companion and saw no harm in letting Buddy burn off energy within her sights.
Until that waitress. Fair play, it's hard to navigate trays of steaming hot curry around an ankle-high streak of lightning. Buddy had situated himself before the doors to the kitchen, collapsed on his back after his run around. The waitress took the time to explain that he must remain seated with his family for his own safety as well as the staff's. A reasonable request. Buddy was scooped up and carried over to the table, which he was not happy about. That much he communicated eloquently.
Anyone who has wrestled a two year old that's been told they can't get their own way will know what followed. In the time it took for the legs to be secured the arms had been loosed and were flailing. Even when all limbs were confined nothing could stop the horrific wail coming from the black hole were once a sticky smile had been. Can no one help here??? The same people who would glare dissapprovingly (and there were many of them,) at the child's antics look on in horror should a harsh word be uttered against it. Were any of these moral highbrows prepared to assist in the capture? No! Their curries take priority over their aural comfort, better to stay seated and stuff their faces while it's hot and stuff their ears against the din around them.
Child secured and deposited, the mother's companion went to the bar. He returned with one drink in hand, saying because of a complaint about the child the staff had been instructed to stop serving the mother's table. So while no one was able to lend a helping hand, someone had managed to get to the bar to lodge a complaint. Some time-miser had judged then that in the time it would take to help with the silencing of the child a curry could go cold, whereas a complaint could be made in 10 seconds flat. The logic is apparent, but it is a short term solution to a problem.
If a restaurant is advertising themselves as open to families with an area set aside for that purpose, let them be prepared. Something as simple as the old colouring sheet and a crayon could hardly put a dint in profits. Are there no pound shops? The burgerbar plastic toy tradition, some inexpensive doo-dad where beads can be pushed along wires and buttons pressed and rollers spun in a corner. Two birds could be killed with one stone, have disused mobile phones donated so that environmentalists will be appeased and children with an ever increasing demand for technology* (*Nottingham Evening Post 26/8/06) can be occupied.
Unfortunately studies are showing that the British are one of the most depressed and dissatisfied populations today, both children
and adults
While this is true, perhaps the most helpful thing a restaurant can do is to provide some sort of harness and gag combination. Simple steps, for the benefit of all.